Launching The Secret Life of Streamers, Part II

Conviva and nScreenMedia Conviva was honored to share our compelling new study, The Secret Life of Streamers, Part II, at events in the UK and Denmark this month, alongside nScreenMedia’s Colin Dixon. Since the first Secret Life of Streamers study in 2016, the premium online video market and the way we consume content has changed dramatically. To understand and illustrate this shift in streaming behavior, Conviva embarked upon revisiting The Secret Life of Streamers in partnership with nScreenMedia.


Our adventure began at TV Connect in London with the launch of The Secret Life of Streamers, Part II: Devices, Content, Location, Global Usage, and Quality. In our session at TV Connect, Conviva CMO Ed Haslam and nScreenMedia Founder and Analyst Colin Dixon launched the second edition of this true, complete census of one of the world’s largest multi-publisher streaming video sensor networks with over 3B applications/devices that generate over 15B viewing hours of per year. At TV Connect, Ed also spoke on a panel which focused on the transition from old-school networks to a modern IP network, and the importance of connected devices in this new era. He was joined on stage by DTG CEO Richard Lindsay-Davies, Viacom Sr. Digital Director Namrata Sarmah, and BAMTECH Media Managing Director‏ Bill Martens, with the panel moderated by nScreenMedia’s Colin Dixon for their compelling discussion.

Conviva CMO Ed Haslam Discussing Connected TV on The Rise at TV Connect Conviva's CMO Ed Haslam And Nscreenmedia Founder And Analyst Colin Dixon Joined On Stage At Tv Connect

After a duo of successful speaking opportunities at TV Connect, Conviva was also honored with an award for Best Network Optimisation Implementation for Precision, and shortlisted for Best In-Class AI Use Case for Video AI Alerts. The TV Connect Awards honor innovative brands for their contributions to video distribution and aim to reward new solutions and technologies that provide more immersive TV experiences for consumers, generate new monetization opportunities, and improve delivery.

Conviva Wins TV Connect Awards Winner For Best Network Optimisation Implementation Conviva's Executive Takes Parts On The Transformation Of The TV Industry – Business Models Tv Connect Awards

Conviva’s Ed Haslam Presents At Tv Connect Awards Of Our Latest Data Of The Video Streaming Industry


It was then on to Denmark where Conviva was excited to take part in ‘The Transformation of the TV Industry – Business Models, Trends, and All the New Players,’ an in-depth, intimate workshop geared towards providing a comprehensive look at the shift from traditional television to the next generation of TV. In this more intimate setting, Conviva’s Ed Haslam was able to delve into our latest data drilling down into viewing trends while being framed by the larger discussion of the trajectory of the video streaming industry.


Our team finished out the European trip at the Future TV Conference in Copenhagen, with Conviva’s Ed Haslam presenting a deep-dive into The Secret Life of Streamers, again with nScreenMedia’s Colin Dixon. The Future TV Conference focuses on the relationship between television technology development and consumer behavior, often at the forefront of emerging trends. During their presentation, Ed and Colin shared interesting tidbits including viewing behavior changes across day parts, devices, and locations as well as live vs. long and short form VOD consumption trends and how all these behaviors change over time and geographies. It was fascinating for our team to get a comprehensive overview of the thriving Danish streaming market.

Conviva Attended Confenrence Highlighting The Secret Of Life Of Streamers Conviva Team With Tv Connect Attendees Gathering In The Hallway

If you were unable to catch us at one of these conferences, read The Secret Life of Streamers full study and check out the infographic highlighting interesting trends for the next generation of TV.