Business Benefits Enabled by Conviva

In our previous blog, we explained the cost savings that organizations experience with Conviva, according to the Forrester: Cost Savings and Business Benefits Enabled by Conviva report and now we’ll focus on the business benefits that were uncovered.

Improved QoE Leads to Reduced Customer Churn

How quickly a streaming provider can identify and solve experience issues can directly affect customer subscriptions and churn. Managers interviewed for the report said that improved problem resolution through real-time monitoring led to a substantial decrease in buffering—from 5% to 0.4%—which they could link directly to reduced customer churn.

“The majority of triaging an incident is the identification of the problem, and then usually fixing the problem is the quickest part. So, by leveraging these QoE tools, you are cutting all that time by at least half.” – VP, engineering

Improved Productivity of Operations Team by Avoiding Chasing Ghosts

Streaming is an extremely complex with multiple points of failure. With holistic, real-time analytics on everything from viewer-level sessions and CDN optimization to ad QoE and real-time performance, managers and analysts at interviewed companies were able to diagnose problems faster, even if the issue originated with a device itself. In fact, these improved analytics helped teams diagnose issues in about half the time they spent prior to adopting Conviva.

Better, More Reliable Deployment

Being able to know with confidence that a new service or feature will work before it’s deployed is a big boon to tech teams. Conviva provides engineers with clarity of performance all the way to the device level so that developers can resolve issues before users even experience them.

“Conviva is a crucial tool of nonfunctional testing to make sure as we build our products, we’re ensuring that they’re able to perform at their best depending on what they’re connected to.” – Head of content delivery platform, an entertainment company

The full Forrester report found that an organization can experience nearly $3.6M in benefits over three years, adding up to a net value of more than $2.8M and an ROI of 340%.

To learn more about how Conviva can benefit your business, download the Forrester: Cost Savings and Business Benefits Enabled by Conviva report or explore the cost savings with Conviva.