Time-State Technology

Eliminating the Set-Top Box Blind Spot eBook

Conviva solves these challenges through an Experience-Centric approach to Observability, revolutionizing QoE for IP-enabled STBs. Download our eBook to learn more, or speak with an expert today.

Why Traditional Alerting Won’t Improve User Experience

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital services, the role of real-time monitoring and incident response has become critical to maintaining healthy application experiences. Companies need monitoring tools to keep their systems running smoothly. But monitoring is just one piece of the puzzle. How teams get alerted to incidents and how quickly they identify root cause can make or break their digital experiences.

The Case for Experience-Centric Observability

While Observability and Application Performance Monitoring (APM) tools have transformed how engineering and operations teams function over the last ten years, there are several challenges that every VP of Ops and CTO still face with no clear solution in sight.

Pitfalls of Today’s Observability Tools

Today’s monitoring tools focus almost exclusively on backend servers and applications. Unfortunately, this means ops teams are completely disconnected from the user experience, leaving them guessing in the dark and with no context on how to prioritize.

Conviva’s Approach to Experience-Centric Observability & Stateful Analytics

Conviva’s approach to build a platform for Experience-Centric Observability involves two key technologies: 1) A thin SDK (we call Sensor), which is a new approach to collecting data from application endpoint and 2) Time-State Technology, which is a new abstraction and system for efficient, real-time, and stateful data processing at scale.