Be the first
to know.
Be the first
to know why.
Meet the world’s first Operational Data Platform, engineered to help technology teams find and eliminate the quality of experience (QoE) issues that are leaking revenue, conversion, and engagement.
Poor Quality of Experience Costs You Millions.
We compute quality of experience across all users and all devices, in real time. We do that by combining user actions with app and system responses to give your technology, business, and operations teams AI-powered insights into any issues impacting user experience and engagement.
Sensors on
(Yes, trillion.)
Metric computations/
Full-census, comprehensive client-side telemetry data. No sampling required.
All events from user interactions plus app and system responses sessionized together in real time. Yes, it’s possible.
Keep what matters while building connected stateful metrics.
Control costs by filtering out the noise from your most valuable operational data and in real time build stateful metrics across all sources.
No static dashboards.
Click to root cause.
From experience metrics to root cause in a few clicks.
Explainable AI Alerts across millions of user cohorts.
Before the first negative social post drops, explainable AI-driven alerts point out blind spots impacting user experience. We don’t trust black box AI solutions and neither should you.
Ask with a click.
Answers in seconds.
Find answers to questions you didn’t know to ask. Analyze hundreds of metrics across tens of thousands dimension combinations instantly.
Our customers include 12 of the 15 largest global media companies with combined market caps exceeding half a trillion dollars.
Conviva lets us know exactly what our customers are experiencing and that is a game changer.
- Sander Kouwenhoven, CTO of NLZiet
Start responding to the real world in real time.
Step into the future of monitoring and analytics with the Conviva Operational Data platform.