Identify Underperforming CDNs


Identify underperforming CDNs, benchmark against their peers, and hold accountable to SLAs

A global education technology company was experiencing issues with their 5 CDNs, and after activating Conviva, identified 2 problematic CDNs in specific regions, greatly reducing their technical errors and improving viewer experience.

Business Problem

Using 2, 4, or 6 CDNs? Identify underperforming CDN edge servers undermining QoE wherever your viewers are.

Conviva’s Solution

Use Conviva to compare CDN performance around the globe. Analyze rebuffering, bitrate, and VST metrics for each CDN by ISP to identify which of perform best per location​.

For 15 years, Conviva has supported nearly
every major live event and every major streaming service launch.

  • BT logo
  • Peacock logo
  • Fifa logo
  • Danz logo
  • Major League Baseball Logo In White
  • Fox logo
  • Superbowl logo
  • ITV logo

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